*** Seismic Data Retrieval Demo ***

Taraf James | Güncelleyen 4 месяца назад | Wells and Subsurface
Tüm Eğitimlere Dön (1)

Getting Started

Seismic Data Retrieval API Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using the Seismic Data Retrieval API to search for and download seismic data from BP’s exploration blocks.


  • An API key from a registered RapidAPI account.


  1. Authorization

    The API does not specify any security schemes, so authorization may not be required. However, it is always a good practice to check the API documentation for any specific requirements.

  2. Using the GET /seismic-data endpoint

    This endpoint allows you to search for seismic data based on various criteria. Here’s how to use it:

    a. Construct the request URL

    GET /seismic-data?{params}

    Replace {params} with your desired search parameters. Here are the available parameters:

    • xmin (integer): Minimum X coordinate of the desired data area (local grid). (Optional)
    • xmax (integer): Maximum X coordinate of the desired data area (local grid). (Optional)
    • ymin (integer): Minimum Y coordinate of the desired data area (local grid). (Optional)
    • ymax (integer): Maximum Y coordinate of the desired data area (local grid). (Optional)
    • latitude (number): Minimum latitude of the desired data area. (Optional)
    • longitude (number): Minimum longitude of the desired data area. (Optional)
    • data_type (string): Type of seismic data (e.g., AVO, PSDM). (Optional, default: AVO)

    b. Send the request

    You can use any REST client or tool to send the GET request to the API endpoint. Be sure to include any required headers, such as your API key if necessary.

    c. Process the response

    The API will respond with a JSON object containing a list of matching seismic data sets. Each data set will have the following properties:

    • id (string): Unique identifier for the seismic data set.
    • name (string): Name of the seismic survey.
    • location (object): Geographic location of the survey area.
      • latitude (number): Minimum latitude.
      • longitude (number): Minimum longitude.
    • data_type (string): Type of seismic data.
    • coverage (object): Area covered by the seismic data set.
      • xmin (integer): Minimum X coordinate (local grid).
      • xmax (integer): Maximum X coordinate (local grid).
      • ymin (integer): Minimum Y coordinate (local grid).
      • ymax (integer): Maximum Y coordinate (local grid).
  3. Downloading seismic data

    Unfortunately, the API documentation doesn’t specify how to download the actual seismic data. It’s possible that downloading functionality may not be publicly available through this API. You may need to refer to the API provider’s documentation for further instructions on downloading specific data sets.


Let’s search for seismic data in a specific area:

GET /seismic-data?xmin=1000&xmax=2000&ymin=500&ymax=1000&data_type=AVO

This request searches for seismic data of type AVO within the specified rectangular area (local grid coordinates between 1000 and 2000 on the X axis, and 500 and 1000 on the Y axis).

The response will be a JSON object containing a list of matching seismic data sets that meet the specified criteria.

Additional Notes

  • The PUT /seismic-data endpoint is restricted and may require specific user permissions for updating access rights to seismic data sets.
  • Refer to the API documentation for any rate limits or usage restrictions.

This tutorial provides a basic understanding of how to use the Seismic Data Retrieval API to search for seismic data. For further details on downloading specific data or using the PUT endpoint, consult the API provider’s documentation.